Sunday, 13 April 2008


After visiting KatieQuiggle's house last week and admiring her wonderful scrapbooks I decided to give it a go myself. There was much time spent pondering over a blank sheet of card but eventually I found inspiration and made my first page - I decided to use photos of myself that my mum had given me in an ordinary photo album for my birthday.

The first photo is my first effort. I was quite pleased with the result, considering I've never done this before. So feeling confident I decided to do page 2. I started once again with much time staring at blank card and pink backing paper until after a while things started to come together. The finished result is the second photo. I know the ribbon at the bottom doesn't look straight but I think its just where the paper was distorted when I took the photo.

I hope you like my efforts. Feel free to pass on any hints and tips that could improve my work. Meanwhile, watch this space for page 3...



Suzi said...


These are lovely! I too have seen Kates scrapbooks and they are beautiful and a real inspiration!

Well done you for being inspired and for having a go, they look great! Look forward to seeing more!

Anonymous said...

They're fab Von. I love the colour combinations. Beautifully put together too.
